Information Management
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Project details
In today’s accountable, regulated environment organisations are forced to be dynamic, and more reliant on computer technology. The way information and services are accessed, managed and delivered is constantly evolving, and the penalties for an inefficient or flawed solution may be severe.
Records management
Too often organisations have relied on unsecured and inefficient methods of storing information, which leads to problems in accessing, managing and delivering it. These become apparent when challenges arise in the quality, safety and reliability of the data being delivered by the solution deployed. It is at this point that the failings of a system only aimed at providing a structured data regime are clear, when the organisation itself requires an aggregated “one patient, one record” solution encompassing all the relevant information necessary for the project at hand.
Integration with existing systems
Optimus IThas many years of extensive experience in the development of interfaces, for current and legacy systems. Our team has developed and modified extensive numbers of applications and takes into account all the key departmental business workflows and functionality which may apply. This expertise also enables us to identify key gaps and conflicts that would have affected the projects in later stages.
Ability to drive performance improvements
It has often been said, if you cannot measure, you cannot manage. Our solutions are tested and workflows set up to provide optimal efficiencies via a rigid governance regime. This allows the ability for the information workflow to be modelled, optimised, deployed and monitored as a continuous circular process, driving continuous performance improvement and return on investment.